The local toy store (Rhyme n Reason) just recently got a shipment of Zcars in, for only $19.99(US) I figured I'd pick one up and see what this little Bit Char-G clone has to offer.

Let's have a look...

The Packaging:

Straightforward stuff, the kit comes with a controller, car, body, instructions and 2 pylons.


Atomic Toys ZCar


The Controller:

Shaped like an egg, this remote has a 3 part function; Controller, Charger and Carrying Case. Also on the remote are flashing lights and car sounds (which you can turn off)



The Body:

"You get what you pay for". That's the term that comes to mind when looking at this offering.



The Chassis

Now let's look at what drives the Zcar




There are no screws holding the body to the chassis, it's a tension fit of the body over the chassis. While the fit is quite snug, a decent hit against an enbankment could whack the body off the chassis.


Now let's have a look at the Zcar compared to a DigiQ.
For more information about the Zcar (along with other Clones and OEMs of the Bit Char-G), head on over to
Stay tuned for Zcar First Look Pt2: Performance where we'll put the Zcar to the test and see how it holds up!